Why are hair longer than body hair?

Why are hair longer than body hair?

Human hair is a non-vital part of our body. But they are important for our personality. We give a lot of attention to our appearance for cosmetic reasons of quality and quantity. However, we also remove unwanted body hair for aesthetic reasons.

In this blog we will explain you the anatomy of the human body hair. The fact is, only humans have long head hair but short body hair.

The first primitive people had a higher rate of hair growth. This has changed with evolution. In the meantime, however, many men have problems with unwanted hair loss.

Hair loss can now be treated with medication or with microsurgery such as hair transplantation. Hair loss is a normal and natural renewal in limited numbers. Old hair falls out and new hair grows back. This is the hair cycle.


How hair grows

Hair growth occurs through follicles that cause hair to grow. Hair starts growing in the follicle at the root. Roots consist of proteins that our body produces itself. The blood flow to our head supplies the follicles with blood and nutrients rich in nutrition. This means that hair that is better cared for grows better than hair that is less cared for. The hair breaks through the scalp. The hair is coated with an oily layer, which makes the hair soft and shiny. This is also the main reason why our hair becomes greasy as the oil coat settles over time. That’s why we must wash our hair for a well-groomed appearance. Over time, hair dies as it emerges from the skin. We do not feel the dying of the hair or cutting the hair as painful because the hair is non-vital.

We’ve had millions of hairs since we were kids. Furthermore, we have approximately 100,000 hair follicles. Male hair grows faster than female. We grow about 15 cm per year.

Hair growth in 3 cycles

1st phase -> ANAGEN

2nd phase -> CATAGEN

3rd phase -> TELOGUE

All 3 phases of the cycle stimulate hair differently. Because of this, some hairs may be in the anagen phase while some are in the telogen phase.

  1. The anagen phase – growth phase

In this phase, the hair grows up to 1 cm per month. Hair that is in the anagen phase lasts up to 2-6 years. Hair length is also a factor in helping you stay in the anagen phase. Follicles divide at this stage. Approximately 85%-90% of hair always remains in the anagen phase.

  1. The catagen phase – transitional phase

This phase lasts 2 weeks. During this phase, the hair follicles shrink and are no longer supplied with blood. Thus, the follicles separate from the chewing skin and fall out.

  1. Telogen Phase – Rest or Failure Phase

In the telogen phase (resting phase), the hair papilla regenerates, so that the hair follicle regenerates within 2 to 3 months. Due to the new formation of a matrix, the production of a hair starts again and the anagen phase is initiated. Hairs in the telogen phase are called “piston hairs”.

Body hair also goes through these phases, but in contrast to head hair, it has a shorter cycle of 1 month, which is also the reason why body hair does not grow if hair on the head. Hair strands grow and fall out over the years. Some keep growing. We don’t notice when we lose hair because the amount is very small and unnoticeable. Follicles weaken with age and grow more slowly. This is also the reason why older people have +50 thinner hair than younger people. Over the years, hair loss begins, which then leads to baldness.

Scalp massages have a positive effect on the hair. The scalp is stimulated, and blood circulation is stimulated. Thus, the hair grows back faster, and the follicles are nourished with blood.

Different properties of hair

Hair differs in many properties. Some hair textures are straight, wavy, or curly. Hair can also be thin and very fine; this hair structure has the property of appearing very radiant. Hair can also be straw-like and very thick, and the appearance of this hair is mostly dull. Hair also differs in density. Some hair structures are very dense, while others are very light.

The evolution of hair

About 300 million years ago, hairs began to form at synapses. In beginning mammals, fine, dense, small hairs can be found all over the body, which is also referred to as fur. Functions of the fur in lower primates were protection from heat and wound bites. Only humans are primagenic species that have significant hair loss. However, there are currently 5000 Species present that are hair free such as elephantine or rhinos.

The phenomenon because hair falls out could be due to the loss of function of the pseudogene KRTHAPI.

Clothing began around 100,000 years ago, which is also a factor in modern humans’ hairlessness.

Hair Loss – Why Hair Loss is Natural

Today, on average, we lose about 100 hairs a day from our day. Each hair has a follicle, after which the hair falls out, the cycle starts all over again.

You are welcome to contact us directly for a hair transplant.