PRP and hair transplantation

Palette Rich Plasma (PRP) and hair transplantation

Palette Rich Plasma is an autologous concentrate containing growth proteins.

PRP accelerates the healing process and promotes skin regeneration after a hair transplant. A PRP treatment softens, regenerates, and hydrates the skin. In addition to the many positive effects of PRP treatment after a hair transplant, there are also other areas of medicine where PRP is used. PRP is used in the following areas, among others: orthopaedics, sports medicine, surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology and in aesthetic gynaecology.

In addition to PRP, mesotherapy also stimulates with its multi-directional effect in various areas such as anti-aging or skin regeneration.

The anti-aging effect is used to repair tissues with plasma. In addition, PRP treatment includes various effects such as: growth, renewal, and rejuvenation. PRP treatment also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What is Palette Rich Plasma?

Palette Rich Plasma is an autologous concentrate obtained from the patient’s own blood. Our blood contains water, as well as white and red blood plasma. Human blood also contains various vitamins, lipids, ions, urea, salt, and sugar minerals. Of course, elements such as calcium, podium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium are also present in human blood. Plasma contains more than three hundred types of simple and complex proteins. The growth factor is the most important component of PRP treatment.

Properties of PRP treatment

The essential property of the PRP is the renewal of the cells and the growth factor.

The mechanism of PRP treatment

Bio stimulation, revitalization and biological regeneration of the skin occurs because of binding activation of various types of stem cells by growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma.

What are the therapeutic effects of PRP treatment?

  • Accelerates skin regeneration
  • Improves skin density
  • Skin hydration restoration
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Smoothest wrinkles
  • Improves dark circles
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the skin

Can PRP treatment be combined with other treatments?

The combination with PRP treatments and other dermatological treatments are possible, depending on the treatment. After a laser or hyaluronic treatment, a PRP treatment would be beneficial as it promotes skin regeneration. Thus, these combinations become highly successful. The same is also true after a hair transplant. PRP treatment after hair transplantation would be in favour of hair transplantation as the grafts are supplied with nutrient blood and the healing process progresses faster with the PRP treatment.

Is PRP Treatment a Safe Treatment?

PRP treatment is one of the safest and one of the minimal treatments. Since the PRP treatment consists of your own blood, an allergic reaction is not to be expected.

What are the possible side effects?

PRP treatment is a non-toxic treatment, so side effects are not expected.

How long does the effect of PRP treatment last?

The effect of a PRP treatment lasts 6 months. With regularity, the effect is better.

How many treatments does it take to get the desired effect?

It takes at least 4-6 regular treatments for a successful treatment.

How long does it take to heal after PRP treatment?

PRP treatment should be pain free, so there is no healing phase.

Under what conditions is PRP treatment not possible?

  • Patients who are HIV, AIDS, or hepatitis positive
  • Cancer patients
  • Patients with an autoimmune disease
  • Haematological diagnoses
  • Liver diagnoses
  • Inflammation
  • Skin inflammation
  • Viral infections
  • Active herpes 
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding period

You are welcome to contact us directly for a hair transplant.